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Welcome to the Scottish Creel Fishermen's Federation
Welcome to the Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation (SCFF) website. SCFF is the national trade association for the creel fishing industry, a traditional and sustainable form of coastal fishing for shell fish that supports more jobs around the coastline of Scotland than any other type of fishery.

Creel Fishing
Creel fishing (also known as Potting) is referred to as a ‘passive’ or ‘static’ form of fishing as the baited creels are dropped from the boat to the seabed where they soak until they are next retrieved by the vessel. The main species targeted in Scotland are prawns, lobster and crabs. Different bait is used depending on what species is being targeted.

The creel is generally made of round steel bar which is plastic coated and then covered with netting. Target species enter via small netted tunnels on either side of the creel.

Scottish Creel Fishermen's Federation: A Creel

Scottish Creel Fishermen's Federation

Outcome of The Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation’s JUDICIAL REVIEW of the Scottish Government’s decision to refuse the Inner Sound of Skye inshore fisheries pilot proposal.
see News for more information

Fishing Vessel Inspections Checklist.
click here for pdf

The Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation’s JUDICIAL REVIEW of the Scottish Government’s decision to refuse the Inner Sound of Skye inshore fisheries pilot proposal.
see News for more information

Inshore Fisheries Pilot: Inner Sound of Skye - A Consultation
see News for more information

SCFF Proposal for West Coast 3 Mile Limit
see Report for more information

SCFF responds to SFF/SCO study
see Report for more information...

SCFF unveils new report on the value of creel prawns
(Correcting the Misallocation of Nephrops)

see Report for more information...

SCFF launches new disentanglement guidance booklet
see News for more information....

"Scottish Inshore Fisheries Integrated Data System" Project (or SIFIDS)
see News for more information....

SCFF National Coordinator Alistair Sinclair
Presentation to MPA meeting in Edinburgh
see News for more information....

NEF working paper
The Scottish Nephrops fishery: Applying social,
economic, and environmental criteria
see News for more information....

Economic analysis of inshore fisheries
see News for more info...

Gear Conflict Report
see News for more info...

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A small of reminder of the importance of wearing a Personal Flotation Device (PFD)


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Click to visit Mitchell Outboard Website

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The SCFF is a body working towards.

Representing Creel Fishermen
Promoting Sustainable Fishing
Strengthening The Creel Industry


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