Scottish Creel Fishing
Creel fishing is a profitable, species-selective and environmentally
sustainable form of fishing with very little by-catch. Target species are
brought to the surface alive and undamaged, meaning that egg bearing ‘berried’
females or undersized animals can be returned to the sea. The carbon footprint
(in particular fuel consumption) is minimal compared to other methods of fishing
as the majority of boats are small and fish relatively close to shore.

Creel fishing takes place around Scotland’s coast. Creeling, and the many shore
based services that rely on it, are often the main source of employment in
fragile rural communities. The boats that make up the inshore creel fishery are
small - usually under 10 metres long- which means that engine size and weather
dictate how far from shore, and how often they can fish. One or two people
normally crew a creel boat, one of whom is usually the owner. There were 1042
active creel fishing boats in Scotland in 2011. The main markets for the
shellfish caught are on the European continent.

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